CertiK Alert, a leading provider of real-time insights into the crypto realm, has recently brought attention to two alarming incidents: a breach in the Clique Discord server and the discovery of honeypot scams involving SeaPad and MOAM tokens.

Certik Alert: Unveiling The World Of Crypto Breaches And Honeypot Scams

Clique Discord Breach: A Call for Vigilance

Certik Alert: Unveiling The World Of Crypto Breaches And Honeypot Scams

The crypto community was taken aback when CertiK Alert issued an urgent message regarding a potential breach in the Clique Discord server. Clique, known for its identity oracles bridging Web2 and Web3, found itself at the center of attention due to this security incident. Reports began surfacing, suggesting that the server had been compromised, prompting CertiK to sound the alarm.

SeaPad Token Scam: A Liquidity Drain Raises Suspicions

Certik Alert: Unveiling The World Of Crypto Breaches And Honeypot Scams

In yet another significant revelation, CertiK Alert uncovered a liquidity exodus related to a token called SeaPad. The security firm detected a considerable removal of liquidity and suspected foul play. The token believed to be a honeypot scam, raised further concerns as wallets associated with the deployer were observed artificially inflating its price.

MOAM Scam: Another Honeypot Unveiled

Continuing their efforts to safeguard the crypto community, CertiK Alert revealed another instance of a honeypot scam involving the “MotherOfAllMemes” (MOAM) token. The security firm uncovered a stealthy liquidity theft orchestrated by the deployer, with approximately $40k disappearing from the liquidity pool.

CertiK Alert promptly labeled this incident as another example of a honeypot scam, further highlighting the need for increased vigilance and due diligence within the crypto space.

Navigating the Crypto Landscape Safely – CertiK Alert

The recent events surrounding the breach of the Clique Discord server and the discovery of honeypot scams involving SeaPad and MOAM tokens serve as stark reminders of the ever-present risks in the crypto world. CertiK Alert’s role in promptly alerting the community showcases the importance of real-time insights and vigilance.

As an investor or enthusiast, it is crucial to stay informed, exercise caution, and conduct thorough research before engaging with any token or project. While the crypto landscape continues to evolve and present new opportunities, it is essential to remain vigilant and protect oneself from potential scams and security breaches.

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